When selling your business, you want to ensure you are getting the best possible price whilst also ensuring you are protected from creditors and unreasonable restraints.
Ticli Blaxland Lawyers can provide comprehensive advice and services throughout the entire process to ensure a smooth and stress-free transition, including:
- Negotiating and reviewing heads of agreement
- Preparing your contract for sale
- Liaising with your sales agent
- Attending to exchange of contracts
- Liaising with outgoing mortgagee, landlords and franchisors
- Preparing and reviewing Commercial & Retail Leases
- Liaising with council to ensure the proper adjustments are made for rates, rent, water and other outgoings
- Negotiating restraint of trade
- Attendance at settlement
- Comprehensive employment law advice and services
We can also assist you with dissolving any shareholder, unit holder and partnership agreements.
Speak to Anthony for advice on all business related legalities.