1 05, 2020

Did You Know: The Effects of COVID-19 on the Law?

2020-05-01T15:59:56+10:00May 1st, 2020|

Estate Planning Due to fears surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Ticli Blaxland Lawyers have experienced an influx of enquiries regarding Wills, Powers of Attorney and Appointments of Enduring Guardian which can now be witnessed remotely. The community can rest assured we are open for business as usual and that our legal team is ready to assist with any estate planning enquiries in a quick and safe manner. […]

28 04, 2020

When a stepchild is no longer a stepchild

2020-04-28T08:24:48+10:00April 28th, 2020|

Hypothetical by Manny Wood published in the Coffs Coast Advocate on 11 April 2020. David is married to Susan. David has two children, to a previous relationship, Christine and Charles. Susan is involved in a motor vehicle accident and unfortunately passes-away, leaving one daughter, Jenny. After Susan’s death, David executes a superannuation binding death benefit nomination and because he has had little to do with Christine, he nominates Charles and Jenny to receive his superannuation when he dies. The superannuation legislation allows David to nominate a child and/or a stepchild. […]

28 04, 2020

Nervous wait in Property Settlement claim

2020-04-28T07:57:00+10:00April 28th, 2020|

Hypothetical by Manny Wood Published in the Coffs Coast Advocate on 4 April 2020. Charles and Mary have been married for six years. They have a six-year-old child. They reside in Mary’s home. At the commencement of their relationship, Charles’ former de facto partner seeks a $100,000 payment by way of a property settlement. Charles borrows this money from Mary’s parents and pays the funds to his former partner. In return, he receives their former matrimonial home which he places on the market. When the property is sold, the net proceeds of sale amount to $50,000. Charles uses the funds to purchase a Mercedes-Benz for $70,000. He borrows [...]

3 04, 2020

Claim made more than a decade out-of-time

2020-04-03T14:54:02+10:00April 3rd, 2020|

Hypothetical by Manny Wood Published in the Coffs Coast Advocate on 28 March 2020. David passed away in 2003. He left the whole of his estate to his second wife, Diane. The estate is distributed to Diane shortly thereafter. When Diane passes away in 2016, her will leaves $100,000 to Penny, a daughter to a previous relationship of David and leaves the rest of her $2 million estate to Diane’s nieces and nephews. Penny believes she is entitled to more from the estate and seeks legal advice. Penny is advised that she is not able to make a claim against Diane’s estate because she was never dependent upon [...]

31 03, 2020

Did You Know: Manny has reached 10 years of service at TBL?

2020-03-31T07:58:43+10:00March 31st, 2020|

Manny started work at the firm in 2010. He started his legal career in Sydney before making the sea change to Coffs Harbour in 2007 and soon settled at Ticli Blaxland as an employee of Sam Ticli and Jack Blaxland.Manny says; “I was attracted to the firm because of its high standards and excellent reputation within the community. I also enjoyed being mentored by the extremely knowledgeable and experienced partners.” […]

27 03, 2020

Uncertainty and risks of a video will

2020-03-27T11:14:44+10:00March 27th, 2020|

Hypothetical by Manny Wood Published in the Coffs Coast Advocate on 21 March 2020. Wendy makes a will with her solicitor. Two days later, after considering her wishes further, Wendy makes a video recording with the assistance of her son, expressing her wishes to change some aspects of her will. Wendy dies three months later. […]

26 03, 2020

Litigation Guardian faces risks personally

2020-03-26T15:04:22+10:00March 26th, 2020|

Hypothetical by Manny Wood Published in the Coffs Coast Advocate on 14 March 2020. David passes away unexpectedly at the age of 40. He is not in a relationship at the time of his death but he leaves one child, Harry aged 13. David only had a brief relationship with Harry’s mother and had no contact with Harry whatsoever since he was born. David’s will leaves monthly payments to Harry’s guardian, equivalent to his child support obligations, until Harry turns 18. David’s will leaves the rest of his $1 million estate to his two parents. […]

12 03, 2020

Offensive Comparison or Simply Satire

2020-03-12T15:31:20+10:00March 12th, 2020|

Hypothetical by Manny Wood Published in the Coffs Coast Advocate on 7 March 2020. Daniel works for a large manufacturer that is engaged in collective bargaining negotiations with its employees. Daniel is one of the key negotiators on behalf of the employees and is a member of a closed Facebook group that the employees use to discuss the negotiations and, sometimes, let off some steam. After one particularly successful day negotiating, Daniel uploads an image from a popular World War Two film, which depicts an extremely angry Adolf Hitler during the final stages of the war. […]

10 03, 2020

Court action to bust Family Trust

2020-03-10T07:58:38+10:00March 10th, 2020|

Hypothetical by Manny Wood Published in the Coffs Coast Advocate on 29 February 2020. Robert suffers from a mental illness. Robert has difficulty committing to full-time employment and is often unemployed for several months at a time. Robert makes a claim for permanent disability under his superannuation policy on the basis that he suffers from a “bipolar affective disorder with predominant depressive symptoms”. He receives $250,000 as a result of his claim. Robert’s mother, Joan watches Robert spend the money and is concerned that when she passes away, Robert will squander his inheritance. Joan is also concerned that Robert will not provide proper support for his children. [...]

27 02, 2020

Did You Know: About the important changes to Modern Awards?

2020-02-27T14:31:13+10:00February 27th, 2020|

On 4 February 2020, the Fair Work Commission released updates to 30 Modern Awards, including the Medical Practitioners Award, the Nursery Award and the Legal Services Award. The updates are designed to make the Awards easier to read and interpret. All updated Awards now include a table setting out the dollar figures payable to employees per hour for different times, including overtime, weekend rates and shift rates. […]

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