In the past, if you purchased real estate, without obtaining a mortgage, you would receive a physical Title Deed (Certificate of Title) which we would normally store in safe custody.
After 11 October 2021, NSW Land Registry Services will no longer issue physical Title Deeds.
If you wish to sell your property, we will need to take “reasonable steps” to verify your “right to deal” with the property.
We will conduct a Title Search, which needs to be attached to the contract of sale, but if you do not have a physical title deed, you will also need to provide us with original documents such as a rates notice, utility bills or land tax assessments to establish your right to deal.
The “verification of identity” requirements also remain in place, which means we need to see your original Drivers Licence and your Passport or Birth Certificate.
If you have any questions about these requirements, please give me a call.
This article is intended to be for information and educational purposes only and cannot be relied upon as legal advice. The information may not apply to your circumstances or to your particular situation. If you need specific advice or you have any questions, we welcome you to contact us directly.