If you are an executor or administrator, we can assist you through this difficult time. Our wealth of experience allows us to take you through the process from start to finish without difficulty.

Our competitively priced services include:

  • Providing advice on whether a grant is required
  • Fixed fee applications for Probate
  • Fixed fee applications for Letters of Administration
  • Assistance with any disputes that may arise
  • Providing advice on unusual issues such as bankruptcy and “double portions”
  • Providing protection for executors and administrators including claims by creditors
  • The transfer and/or sale of assets including real estate and shares
  • Realising superannuation death benefits and insurance
  • Liaising with your accountant in relation to tax returns
  • Final distribution including the electronic transfer of funds to beneficiaries

Manny Wood, Accredited Specialist in Wills & Estates, has put together a General Advice outlining the Probate process and the duties of executors and administrators. You can find a PDF version here.

For an obligation free quote, contact our estate administration team now.


Probate is sometimes referred to as “proving the will”. It is formal recognition that the will is valid and that the executors have authority to administer the estate.

Ticli Blaxland Lawyers can apply to the Supreme Court of NSW for a grant of probate on your behalf.

The process involves;

  • Advertising your intention to apply for a grant
  • Drafting and filing the Summons
  • Drafting the affidavit in support of your application, including addressing any issues that could potentially cause delays and annexing the necessary supporting evidence
  • Executing the Affidavits and signing the original will
  • Drafting the Grant of Probate
  • Paying the filing fee
  • Responding to any requisitions that may arise

The costs of obtaining a grant are payable by the estate and as an executor, you are entitled to retain a solicitor to assist you with your application. To avoid delays and minimise the stress involved in fulfilling your role, contact our estate planning team now, headed by our Accredited Specialist in Wills and Estates, Manny Wood.

Letters of Administration

In some circumstances, it may be necessary to obtain a grant of Letters of Administration.

A grant of Letters of Administration is similar to a grant of Probate but is made when there is no valid will or there are no executors who are willing and able to act.

The process involves;

  • Advertising your intention to apply for a grant
  • Identifying the beneficiaries and their entitlements
  • Drafting and filing the Summons
  • Drafting the affidavits in support of your application, including addressing any issues that could potentially cause delays and annexing the necessary supporting evidence
  • Drafting the Grant
  • Paying the filing fee
  • Responding to any requisitions that may arise

Ticli Blaxland Lawyers can apply to the Supreme Court of NSW for a grant of Letters of Administration on your behalf.

Obtaining a grant of Letters of Administration can be complex and it is important to obtain the right advice early.

The costs of obtaining a grant are payable by the estate and as an administrator, you are entitled to retain a solicitor to assist you with your application. To avoid delays and minimise the stress involved in fulfilling your role, contact our estate planning team now, headed by our Accredited Specialist in Wills and Estates, Manny Wood.

Superannuation Death Benefits

An important part of the administration of an estate is the realisation of the deceased’s superannuation entitlements. This can include payments under life insurance policies attached to a superannuation fund.

Ticli Blaxland Lawyers can deal with the deceased’s superannuation funds on your behalf.

We can assist you as executor or administrator in having the death benefit of paid to the estate and if you are a dependent of the deceased, we can assist you in making a claim.

It is important to obtain advice if you are an executor and also a death benefits dependent at the date of death.

Superannuation law can be complex and it is important to obtain advice in relation to your eligibility to make a claim.

The realisation of superannuation death benefits can be the source of delays in relation to the administration of the estate. At Ticli Blaxland Lawyers, our experience in dealing with superannuation funds can help streamline the process.

If disputes arise in relation to the payment of a superannuation death benefit, we can assist you in obtaining your proper entitlements.

Contact our estate planning team now, headed by our Accredited Specialist in Wills and Estates, Manny Wood.